
History of the Passara Pradeshiya Sabha

Passara Pradeshiya Sabha is located in Passara Divisional Secretariat Division, Badulla District, Uva Province. The area of the Pradeshiya Sabha is 124.11 square kilometers. It existed as a village council before 1964 and was established in 1964 with Passara town center as the minor urban council. Passara Municipal Council existed until 1980 and after 1980 Badulla District Development Council was established and Passara was named as a sub-city. Also, Lunugala Minor Urban Council, Passara Village Council, Madolsima Village Council, Metigahatenna Village Council and Pattipola Village Council in the Passara Division became sub council offices. The Passara Pradeshiya Sabha was established with the amalgamation of the two Minor Urban Councils of Passara and Lunugala, Passara Village Council, Madolsima Village Council, Matigahatenna Village Council and Pattipola Village Council under Act No. 15 of 1987. Although the Passara Pradeshiya Sabha was established in this manner by Act No. 15 of 1987, the administrative activities up to 1991 were carried out under a special commissioner.
The local government election was held in 1991 and the first chairman of the sabha was Mr. Sunil Samaratunga. The number of members in the first Sabha is 22. The first sabha lasted until 1997, the second sabha lasted from 1997 to 2002 and the third sabha lasted from 2002 to 2006. The Hon. Sunil Yasanayake was the Chairman of both the sabha term.
The period of the fourth council lasted from 2006 to 2011 and the chairmanship was held by Hon. Mr. Ananda M.T.K. De Silva. Passara Pradeshiya Sabha which existed in this way became two Pradeshiya Sabhas as Passara and Lunugala from 01.04.2011. With this change, the number of members was equal, 11 each. Passara Pradeshiya Sabha and Lunugala Pradeshiya Sabha ran separately in the 2011 local government elections and the council continued till 2015. Honorable M.A. Kader was the chairman of that council. From 2015 to 2018, Passara Pradeshiya Sabha, which was ruled under a special commissioner, had 23 members elected in the 2018 local government election, and Mr. R.M Gnanathilaka is the current chairman of the council.
The Passara division inherits a long history and until now has been governed under various political authorities and has done a special mission for the people of the area. At present the population here is about 56861. Currently, the permanent staff of Passara pradeshiya sabha is 107 and 13 substitute staff.